Helldivers 2: Superstore Rotation and Items Today

Helldivers 2 Superstore Rotation and Items Today
Helldivers 2 Superstore Rotation and Items Today

There are various ways for players to get their hands on new primary weapons, armor, and Stratagems in Helldivers 2. However, while most of those methods rely heavily on RNG or require players to complete specific quests, the Superstore is a way to obtain the body armor and helmets you want and all you have to do is spend some Super Credits.

However, the way the Superstore works might be a little confusing for some newcomers to Helldivers 2, and that’s where we come in. In today’s article, we’re here to go through everything regarding the Superstore in Helldivers 2, including how it works, when new items are added, and the items you can expect to see today.

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How Does the Superstore Work in Helldivers 2

Superstore in Helldivers 2
Superstore in Helldivers 2

As soon as you get into the Super Destroyer, you should go to Acquisitions. Here, go to the Superstore tab to see all of the body armor offers that are available at that time. Now, you might be wondering how the Superstore works and when it refreshes so we’ll clear that up for you.

First of all, the Superstore has only four available items at all times. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’ll only see those same four items every time you go to the Superstore tab, as every two days the offerings get refreshed. To be specific, every two days at 10 am GMT, the stock will be refreshed, which means you’ll have a relatively short window of opportunity to acquire any armor that catches your eye.

It should be noted that helmets are purely cosmetic items and don’t increase your stat in any way. However, body armor has passive stats that could be part of the light, medium, or heavy build. Therefore, there’s some weight to which armor you buy in addition to the armor simply looking good.

Helldivers 2 Superstore Items Today

Now that you know how the Helldivers 2 Superstore works and when the items get refreshed, we’ll go through the Superstore items that are available to purchase at the time of writing this article.

Item name Type Expiry date (4 am CT) Super Credits
SC-37 Legionnaire Body Armor March. 5, 2023 150 SC
SC-15 Drone Master Body Armor March. 5, 2023 250 SC
SC-37 Legionnaire Helmet March. 5, 2023 75 SC
SC-15 Drone Master Helmet March. 5, 2023 125 SC

However, as mentioned above, this list is slated to change in exactly two days, after which a whole new batch of armor will be available for sale. So, it’s always a good idea to ensure you check the Superstore to see which armor is available to purchase and whether you’d be interested in buying it.

This concludes everything you need to know about how the Superstore rotation works and which items are available to purchase today. For more from GamingFlaws, be sure to check out Helldivers 2 Major Order: Angel’s Venture And Heeth Guide.

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