Pacific Drive: ThermoSap Crystals Location and Guide

Pacific Drive: ThermoSap Crystals Location and Guide

Pacific Drive might be focused on driving around in your Station wagon, but that doesn’t mean it’s mandatory to use the same car for the duration of the game. On the contrary, it’s more than possible to upgrade your car depending on how many items you have and how much you progress in Pacific Drive.

As a matter of fact, it’s also possible to upgrade your car into a tank, but before you do that you’ll need to get your hands on a unique item called ThermoSap Crystal. Not just one either, as you’ll need a handful of them before realizing your dream of having a tank.

Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about ThermoSap Crystals in Pacific Drive. This includes what these items do and where you can find them. Naturally, we’ll also include how you can use them to turn your car into a tank.

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What Are ThermoSap Crystals in Pacific Drive?

An abandoned car in Pacific Drive

First things first, what are ThermoSap Crystals in Pacific Drive? Well, ThermoSap Crystals are a mid-game resource that helps players upgrade their cars. While they might not turn your car into a tank in the literal sense, the upgrades it provides can more than make up for that by providing sheer defense power and huge wheels.

Additionally, it’s also possible to make better tools, although you might be looking for these resources for a while since you’ll likely find one or two ThermoSap crystals at a time.

Where To Find ThermoSap Crystals in Pacific Drive?

Sap Compressors
Sap Compressors

Now that you know what you can do with ThermoSap Crystals in Pacific Drive, it’s time to go through the various locations you can go to with the aim of finding this crystal. 

When it comes to the early stages of the game then you’ll likely come across ThermoSap Crystals the armored doors and panels on the wrecks of old police cars. The cars are called abandoned squires, and while it can sometimes get difficult to differentiate between regular cars and abandoned squires, the yellowish color and the metal brackets at the top of the cars are usually good giveaways.

As for where you can find abandoned squires, you can look for them alongside the roadside and sometimes in the woods. Unfortunately, there’s no one place that guarantees that you’ll come across these cars for your ThermoSap fix. Once you find doors, panels, and hoods remaining on the squires use scrapper to almost always find one or two ThermoSap Crystals glowing red.

Alternatively, if you want to speed the process up then you can also potentially get your hand on multiple ThermoSap Crystals at once. However, to do so, you’ll have to reach the middle zone of the game where you’ll come across Sap Compressors. Sap Compressors are bright red clusters of ThermoSap Crystals.

If you’re fortunate enough to come across a Compressor, just shatter it with your impact hammer and pick up the individual crystals. While this is definitely quicker than extracting crystals from single car remains, you shouldn’t expect to do so in the early game.

Every ThermoSap Crystal Recipe

Driving a car in Pacific Drive
Driving a car in Pacific Drive

Finally, it’s time to go through every single thing you can craft using ThermoSap Crystals. To make things easier, we’ll even throw in the total recipe list for every item.

When it comes to car upgrades, ThermoSap Crystals can do the following:

  • Armored doors (6 glass shards, 3 steel sheets, 2 ThermoSap crystals)
  • Armored panels (4 steel sheets, 3 ThermoSap crystals)
  • Armored bumper (6 rubber, 3 steel sheets, 5 ThermoSap crystals)
  • Puncture-proof tires (8 rubber, 8 fabric, 2 gear, 3 ThermoSap crystals)
  • Turbolight engine (15 copper wire, 10 gas cylinders, 10 steel sheets, 42 ThermoSap crystals)

Alternatively, for handheld tools, you can use the red crystals for:

  • Thermal vacuum (6 plastic, 8 rubber, 2 electronics, 8 ThermoSap crystals)
  • Liberator (3 scrap metal, 4 pressurized cartridges, 2 copper wire, 5 ThermoSap crystals)

This concludes our complete guide on ThermoSap Crystals in Pacific Drive. While these crystals might seem useless at first, they have the potential to make your car a force to be reckoned with. For more from GamingFlaws, check out Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown PC Specs And DLC.

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