Last Train Home stuck on Loading screen: All the ways to fix

last train home gets stuck on the loading screen
last train home gets stuck on the loading screen

When you are playing the Last Train Home, you might get stuck on the loading screen sometimes. This error has occurred for many players and there are a couple of solutions to avoid this. Sometimes this problem goes away by restarting the game or the console but other times, it becomes unbearable as the issue persists.

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Why does Last Train Home stuck on Loading screen

Some of the basic reasons why the last train home stuck on loading screen are mainly due to either corrupt files or drivers that are outdated. Some of the other reasons are mentioned below so check them out to know why this issue occurs:

  1. Overloaded System Cache: Slow-loading processes can be linked to an overloaded system cache. You should restart your computer to clear the system cache and try to use system optimization tools for the temporary cleanup of the file.
  2. Corrupted Game Files: Sometimes the file is either corrupted or they are missing which can hinder proper loading. You should verify file integrity through the game launcher and then try to reinstall the game if it does not work out.
  3. Lack of Administrator Rights: Loading screen freezes may result from insufficient permissions that can even prevent the game from accessing necessary files from the game. Run the game as an administrator and check after adjusting permissions from the file.
  4. Faulty Game Installation: Loading problems can be one of the reasons if the game is not installed correctly which can occur due to interruptions or even the disk errors during the installation process. You should verify game files through the platform launcher, and if needed, uninstall and then reinstall the game to avoid any interruptions and fix last train home stuck on loading screen.
  5. Graphics Settings Too High: Freezing during loading may be caused by the graphics settings that are placed much higher than your hardware can handle. You should use lower graphics settings and ensure your hardware meets the game’s system requirements.
  6. Outdated Operating System: Loading issues might be related to an outdated operating system lacking necessary updates or features. Updating your OS to the latest version and ensuring it meets the game’s minimum requirements might resolve the issue.
  7. Outdated Graphics Drivers: Older graphics drivers can struggle with the rendering of game graphics which can cause prolonged loading times. Update your graphics drivers to the latest version compatible with your hardware.
  8. Issues with Saved Game Data: Loading screen freezes may happen due to corrupted or incompatible saved game data. This can occur when the game attempts to load from a saved checkpoint. Try using a different saved file before backing up and deleting corrupted files, and look for game updates that can resolve the issue of compatibility.
last train home stuck on the loading screen
last train home stuck on loading screen

How to fix Last Train Home stuck on loading screen

Sometimes the main issue can be caused due to storage so check the storage before starting your game to fix last train home stuck on loading screen. Other than that, you must check if your game is up to date along with all the drivers. Some of the solutions that can fix this loading screen issue are listed below in detail so check all of them to get this issue fixed.

Update the Graphics Driver

You should update the graphics driver so the game can run smoothly. At times, the graphic card causes an issue within the game so changing the graphic card or testing it can give you an idea about the issue. This can be done by the following steps:

  • Open Device Manager: Press the Windows key ‘X’, and then choose Device Manager from the menu.
  • Graphics Card: Navigate to Display adapters in Device Manager and locate your graphics card.
  • Updating: Press the right click of the mouse on your graphics card followed by selecting Update driver, and then choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • Restart after these steps: After the update is complete, restart your computer to apply the changes.
last train home gets stuck on the loading screen
Updating the system to fix last train home stuck on loading screen

Updating the Operating System

You should also update the operating system to improve the compatibility of the system. This can also reduce the loading time of the game. You can do so by implementing the following steps:

  • Accessing the Settings: Press the Windows key + I to open the Settings menu.
  • Navigate to the Update Section: Click on Update & Security within the Settings menu.
  • Install all the Updates: Select Check for updates. If there are any available updates, proceed to install them and then restart your PC.

Clearing the Temporary Files

When you have a lot of files on your system, it makes the system quite hectic and that slows down the loading rate. You should delete all the files which are not useful or are temporary to free up some space to fix last train home gets stuck on the loading screen. You can do so by performing the following steps: last train home stuck on loading screen

  • Launch Settings App: Press the Windows key ‘I’ to open the Settings application.
  • Access System Settings: Click on System and then go to Storage.
  • Manage Temporary Files: Within the Local Disk section, locate and click on Temporary files.
  • Delete Unnecessary Files: Choose the files you wish to remove and click on Remove files.

Close all the unnecessary processes

When you close all the other apps that are running in the background, it makes your system free and that causes the system to run effectively. It also frees up the memory that the system has and reduces the CPU resources to fix last train home stuck on loading screen. This will load the game without any hassle. You can do the following steps:

  • Launch Task Manager: Use the shortcut of “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” which opens the Task Manager.
  • Identify Unnecessary Processes: Examine the list of processes for applications that are not essential for gaming, such as web browsers or office applications.
  • Close Processes: Right-click on the non-essential application and select ‘End Task’ to close it. Exercise caution to avoid terminating critical system processes.
last train home gets stuck on the loading screen
Clearing the system

Verify the Game Files before accessing

You should use the game launcher to verify the game’s files. When you will run the game launcher, it will tell us whether the game will run smoothly or not. This way you can either fix the game files or restore them to their original place. This can be done by:

  • Open Game Launcher: Launch the platform where Last Train Home is installed, such as Steam.
  • Access the Library: Navigate to the Library section.
  • Game Properties: Right-click on Last Train Home and select Properties.
  • Verify Game Files: Within the Local Files tab, choose Verify integrity of game files. Allow the process to complete before proceeding.

Clearing the system Cache

The system gets some cache at times which can be cleared by removing it from the system.  Clearing aids the system and helps to reduce the loading time. Do the following:

  • Disk Cleanup: Initiate the process by pressing the Windows key, typing Disk Cleanup, and opening the utility.
  • Drive Selection: Opt for the drive where the game, in this case, Last Train Home, is installed. Typically, this is the C drive.
  • File Selection: From the options, choose Temporary files and any other files you want to clean up. Confirm by clicking OK, then proceed to delete the selected files.
last train home gets stuck on the loading screen
Clearing the system cache

Running the System File Checker Scan

This checker scan can aid players in fixing any kind of broken Windows system file like last train home gets stuck on the loading screen. If this is not treated right, it will cause the game to have some issues and if fixed properly, the screen loading time won’t take long to open. You can do the following:

  • Launch Command Prompt: Press the Windows key, type Command Prompt, right-click on it, and choose Run as administrator.
  • Execute SFC Command: Within the Command Prompt window, type sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
  • Await Completion: Allow the scan to run its course until it finishes. This process is designed to repair any corrupt system files.
  • Restart Your Computer: After the scan completes, restart your computer to apply the changes.
last train home gets stuck on the loading screen
Running the system check scan

Setting up the task manager

You can set the highest priority to the last train home gets stuck on the loading screen game which will allow the system to give all the resources to the game. This way, all other apps will work as a secondary source and the loading time will drastically improve. You can do this by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Launch Task Manager: Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  • Locate the Game: Start Last Train Home, go to Task Manager, and find the game in the Processes tab.
  • Adjust Priority: Right-click on the game, navigate to Set priority, and select High from the options.

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